Saturday, February 14, 2009

Send Out Cards Magic

Ti's I the Card Lady of Send Out Cards that had to be turned off due to corporate compliance.
So sorry about that as it was only a redirect to a corp. site. SO, never mind all that nonsense, please come play and enjoy and follow me here as I will share, explain, and guide into a world of possibilities that "CAN" happen if you start the practice of "Giving" more out and not expecting anything in return. It's sort of tough at first, but the residual effects can be life altering.
Welcome to my first of what I hope to be many blogs, please to also follow me on cause Magic really does happen when you Send Out Cards. I also know that Send Out Cards is the "Secret" to changing your life and building the relationships that move you in unknown directions. What you 'think' you need in your life isn't necessarily so. You'll know soon enough when you start sending out cards for no particular reason except you thought of "Someone" special, unique, past, or whatever today..
Don't let those promptings slip by. Let me know and I can guide you through the system personally.
Happy Valentines to all,
Contact me directly at
or my e-mail
I wish you all a very Waterful day indeed, thanks for the read and your time.

L. Chase-Dunn
Try sending a Card today!