Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Panoramic Photos in near future

Happy Sunday card senders.

I received a very nice package of 5 cards from Kody Bateman introducing the new panoramic photos that we will be able to create in the very near future! WOW, these will knock your socks off. And I'm talking MAJOR ability to do more now than ever before.
My scanner is acting up but just as soon as I'm able to make a nice quality of one or two of these sample cards I will post to the blog. So be patient and make sure your logging into your SOC's account every day to get more info as it arrives.

In the meantime, Make is a Send Out Cards kind of day, and send a card to someone that really "BUG's" you, you maybe don't even like them! But you just might be surprised how that person would be touched, after all no one is "that" awful and they crossed your path for a reason, probably to help you both. I'm a firm believer that there are NO accidents, it's all preordained.