Friday, June 5, 2009

Try Sending Out a Card today

What's the power of a card? Well lets see now, there are cards for Birthdays of course, and of course there are cards for holidays such as...


St. Patrick..

April Fools..


July 4th..


Mothers Day..

Fathers Day..

Labor Day..




New Years..

Special occassions such as


Baby Shower..

Thank You..


Business referral..




and these are just the tip of what you'll find available when you have your own account with Send Out Cards. Over 14,000 to choose from. Become impowered with Send Out Cards and act upon your promptings any time of day or night! Just log on to your account online and hit the send button.

Fonts to choose, colored ink, even your own signature and handwritting fonts too! And the best part of all your card is sent with a REAL stamp! No bulk postage, so when it's recieved in the mail it's obvious that this is a greeting card! And who doesn't like to recieve a card.

Ever woke up at 3 a.m. and had someone on your mind? Or didn't have the time to get to the store to buy a card or send a gift for a birthday? So what did you do? Probably ignored it and made a phone call instead but the problem with a phone call is that once you hang up there is nothing to hold to chearish to keep in a special place and enjoy over and over again. Send Out Cards even allows you to send special gifts as well as gift cards! Who wouldn't love to receive a American Express gift card! So it's never to late to send out and remember someone long distant birthday and be that thoughtful person you know you are but somehow life gets in the way and what you'd like to do takes time and I don't know anyone that has extra time for anything anymore. Enter Send Out Cards.

BUT, what about the most important card of all! The unexpected card just because sent out to anyone for any reason. Maybe someone that needs a little uplifting. I think we all can relate to those reasons. Or a congratulation on a job well done and a thoughtful word of encouragement.
So, consider all the benefits of sending out a card to someone and you'll never know the power of that card untill you send it.

I look forward to speaking with you as well as inviting you to experience Send Out Cards for FREE with a sample gift account. You'll experience all features and get to send out several cards to someone special in your life. Please contact me directly at or by phone at 480-325-1515

Magic Happens when you Send Out Cards*