Friday, July 10, 2009

Swimming by the Light of Send Out Cards

As more and more people are learning about Send Out Cards online system, many people young and old are absolutely loving it. But there are those that still don't quite "Get it" yet. The following is a brief story of how sending out a card via the Send Out Cards system can and does work. Remember, just like anything else in life it will not work if you don't use it or do it.

Here's a story that just happened yesterday for me. July 9th 2009

I moved into my lakeside home with a very fun tiled swimming pool in October 2007 after living for 3 years without a pool here in Sunny Gilbert Arizona.

Finding this home was a dream come true for me as I had actually intended and "I AM" ed it about 3 weeks before. More on an "I AM" another time.

So, my son and I moved in, everything I owned fit perfectly, I was a happy lady except for one thing that really bugged me. The light in the swimming pool didn't work! Gurr half the fun of having a swimming pool is to have the pool light on in the evening time for atmosphere etc.

So, I asked the owner (I rent) and he said that he intentionally had disconnected it due to the fact that a child, relative of his wife had been electrocuted and died! HOW horrible. This wasn't in my pool but somewhere else. No matter I asked him to please rewire and turn my pool light on. He's a busy man and it just never happened.

Now here is where it gets interesting! Last Sunday night of the 4th of July holiday there was a party at our community pool around the corner and around 8 p.m. I saw all sorts of RED and BLUE lights! NOT a good sigh, I walked the dogs over that way to see what was happening and in horror of all horrors a 2 year old had drown in that pool and there must have been 30 people around! How could this happen??? There was NO POOOOOOL light! (Note, I'm told the little girl is O.K.)

Yesterday I was driving out of my neighborhood and saw this HUGE Electrical truck at the pool! So being the bold one I am, I KNEW that they must be there to fix the POOL light or whatnot! I met a very shy and withdrawn man named "Doug" about my age, and we chatted and I asked him if he would be able to LOOK at or fix my pool light. He said he didn't have time or whatnot and for some reason I just didn't want to accept his answer! I mean he was already in my neighborhood and all I wanted him to do was just LOOK at it, No sense in making two trips right? So, this quiet man got in the car with me, came to my home, pulled some wires, and within 3 minutes it was DONE!

So guess what people? I have a pool light and I feel like I just bought a new car! Plus it's very sexy looking as well :)

Where does send out cards come into all this? I just sent Doug a very beautiful card of my pool on the front of the card with a simple note of thanks and a box of cookies as a thank you gift for being so kind to take that 3 minutes to change my pool and attitude. (I needed something good to happen for me that day)

You see, I don't expect anything out of it or from him, I've already received from him, and it's my JOY to send him a thank you card with gift so that this man truly knows that what he did for me was "Extremely appreciated". PLUS, I don't think anyone in his life has ever sent him a card let alone a gift of appreciation. Remember all those in SALES (which is Life) Appreciation is the GLUE for more customer retention and referrals! This is the million dollar difference 2 your business and life journey. And I am the one that feels so terrific about being able to send something nice to this very reserved, cautious man. Sort of like Christmas when you do something nice for someone? You're the one that feels really good because you took the time and you want that person to know that you appreciate them more than the "Value" of the gift, it's the thought that counts ! And the more thoughtful you can make it, You BLOW people minds.

So, More than just a "Thank You" I really appreciate what you did for me (Not to mention a $70 dollar house call I saved) I want to set myself apart and I want him to know that it's O.K. to do little things for others, because sometimes it can bring such a "Glow" to their life.

If you'd like to try this "Send Out Cards" system, it' would be my pleasure to set you up with a 100% FREE trial account for 10 days, answer your questions, and help you to change the lives of others ONE card at a time.

Remember my Twitter and internet friends "Magic Happens when you Send Out Cards"