Saturday, March 5, 2011

Get Secret Card and DVD Today!

I promise myself.... To be so strong that nothing can disturb...

Both Only $11.88
Go ahead and take advantage of this limited offer!  A copy of the original "The Secret" and a wonderful card from the secret scrolls... "I Promise Myself"... You can carry this card as a constant reminder or give the card and DVD to a friend in need....This card is from the system and is a 3 fold card that will open up and send a very powerful message to whomever receives it. We all need to make a promise to ourselves and to practice daily the laws as taught in the Secret. 
Price includes all USA shipping... Feel free to contact us directly at we welcome your multiple orders.   Don't forget to give us your address at the checkout Zip code address that is!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Developing the "Thank~You Card Habit by Tom Hopkins

I learned the value and power of thank you notes early in life. When I was a young child; my parents occasionally went out with friends for dinner. Invariably, when my parents returned from an evening out, I saw my mother sit down at her little desk in the hallway as soon as she got home and begin to write. One night I asked her what she was doing. Her answer came straight out of Emily Post: "We had such a wonderful time with our dear friends this evening that I want to jot them a note to thank them for their friendship and the wonderful dinner." My mother's simple act of gratitude, expressed to people who already knew that she and my father appreciated and enjoyed their friendship, helped to keep my parents' friendships strong for their entire lifetimes.

Because I understood that building relationships is what selling is all about, I began early in my career to send thank you notes to people. I set a goal to send ten thank you notes every day. That goal meant that I had to meet and get the names of at least ten people everyday. I sent thank you notes to people I met briefly, people I showed properties to, people I talked with on the telephone, and people I actually helped to own new homes. I became a thank you note fool. And guess what happened? By the end of my third year in sales, my business was 98% referrals! The people I had expressed gratitude to were happy to send me new clients as a reward for making them feel appreciated and important.

“As you know I built my real estate business to a 98% referral business by using thank-you notes. Your greeting cards are fabulous and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to build their business and enjoy a greater degree of success.” -Tom Hopkins

"Magic Happens when we Send Out Cards" LCD

365 "Thank-Yous" Changing lives every day~

What could possible be the answer to changing your life? Depends I suppose how bad you want to change, oh and please don't tell me you don't have the MONEY? This is such a lame excuse. Much like health care, and life care, How much are you worth anyway? Especially to yourself? Cause if you don't Love yourself enough to change? Then why would anyone else?

Just some thoughts as I'm getting ready to post this ABC New Video on 365 Thank You's.

At SendOutCards we have the ability to not only send out 365 Thank-You's, we also have a complete system that will restructure and build your NEW personal self development. It's fascinating, it works, and no matter "What" is going on in your life right now? You will become better with your new attitude/gratitude system.... You're going to like the way you look...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tis the Season to Send Out Love

What others say about S.O.C.

Heidi Caswell | 10:34 a.m. July 1, 2009

SendOutCards is a great tool to keep in touch with families. I've been using it several years. Before SendOutCards I'd find cards stuck in my desk years later still unsent. Trick was remembering to pick up a card, find my address book, and stamps. Much easier to find my computer. It is a little harder to misplace.

Thank you Kody and Eric!

Dawn Orbeck | 3:37 p.m. July 1, 2009

SendOutCards is an amazing system for keeping in touch with people. I use it daily and am always able to find the perfect card! It's also one of the best home business opportunities available, with a product that everyone needs for less than half the cost of buying greeting cards from a store!

Maran | 8:20 a.m. July 6, 2009

I had to laugh at Heidi's comment, about finding unsent cards. When our daughter was 5 husband and I moved across country - packing I found a stack of unsent cards - thank yous for her birth!

I knew I needed this for myself - a big surprise was how easy and fun doing this business is.
All day I help people feel good by celebrating the people who matter in their lives.

I love SendOutCards!

David Sams | 8:20 a.m. July 6, 2009

SendOutCards has changed our lives....One Card At A Time.... David & Janet Sams Parkersburg, WV

Gayle Zientek | 8:29 a.m. July 6, 2009

SendOutCards is touching people around the world and will continue to grow leaps and bounds. Where else can you create your own card for less than a dollar and have it become a keepsake to those receiving it? I'm thankful for the creation of SOC's. Thank's to Kody for his inspiration and following of his's certainly led to genious! Everyone should have their own SendOutCards account, for then we all have the ability to touch lives in a positive way by quickly acting on the promptings that come to our minds! It's also a fantastic contact manager for all kinds of businesses. Our real estate business has grown to nearly 100% referral in two years using this system. We will always be a fan of! Steve & Gayle Zientek Michigan

Lori Lillie | 8:50 a.m. July 6, 2009

SendOutCards combines technology with the art of card sending. What I love most is when I send a card, it is printed in my own handwriting! (This is achieved by filling out a handwriting font form and mailing it to the company.) I'm a perfectionist, so I can be sure my card is "just so" before pressing "send"! No more scratch-outs or white-out or starting over with a NEW card! I am grateful to Kody for creating a business opportunity that I can share with others to make their lives easier and more meaningful through the sending of heartfelt cards.

Linda Thomas | 8:53 a.m. July 6, 2009

It's the "Netflix of the greeting card industry!" I am so grateful that I was introduced to SendOutCards! There is such a need to send cards on a daily basis to those in my personal life or in business. When you reach out and express your gratitude to others, you can impact their lives in ways you'll never know. And, the SendOutCards system makes it so simple. You type it, THEY print it in your own handwriting & signature, stuff it in an envelope for you, they place a real stamp on it and mail it first class for you! And, the cards cost a less than a dollar. EVERYONE should be using SendOutCards.

Gary Washburn | 9:07 a.m. July 6, 2009

SendOutCards is an incredible company. Cards are top-quality, easy to send, and amazingly affordable. I send cards every single day. It's may way of touching people and lifting them up. Kody Bateman has found a wonderful way to act on those inner promptings and make a genuine difference in people's lives, one card at a timie.

Monica Ramanathan | 9:59 a.m. July 6, 2009

I have been using the site for a couple of years now, and I don't know who receives more joy, the sender of the card or the recipient!

Randy Allen | 12:37 p.m. July 6, 2009

What a story Kody has to tell. He is an awesome individual and SendOutCards is a fantastic company. I am relatively new at sending cards - but I can tell you this - it is not just for sissies. Real men can use SendOutCards to keep in touch with friends, share an experience with a distant family member and to help them with their business relationships.

SendOutCards works and is a lot of fun to use. I just sent 4th of July cards and have received many comments about how cool it was to receive a card on the 4th of July. Kinda like Christmas in July for my family and friends.

And I was able to do that without breaking the bank, and using very little time (about 10 minutes to find the card, type the info I wanted inside, and select people from my contacts - then I pushed my favorite button - SEND - and I was done!) There is no other system available that will do this!

Linda Cameron | 9:04 p.m. July 6, 2009

SendOutCards has shown up at the perfect time. People need to feel appreciated and cared about. What better way then to send a card and create a smile on someones face. We need to pull together right now and help each other with love and understanding. When our mailboxes are full of bills and junk mail what a JOY it is to receive that unexpected card from someone who thought enough of you to send it. To say nothing of how get it was when I received a blanket that said HOPE when my dad passed away. This company is incredible and has made sending cards and gift so easy it's a pleasure to send one. No more running for the card, stamps and looking for that darn address book. Thank you to
Kody Bateman for creating this company.

Justin S | 9:48 a.m. July 7, 2009

I've been using Send Out Cards for a few months now and it really makes a huge difference in business. The increased revenue is chartable. Plus I can finally send out birthday cards which I have ALWAYS forgotten in the past, using SOC's awesome database organization and reminders! Definitely check out this company!

Mary Fields | 11:40 a.m. Aug. 11, 2009

I have been using Send Out Cards for about 5 years, and strongly believe eventually everyone will be using this. It saves so much on cards, and the thing is no more feeling bad about not sending a card. Ecards just don't cut it, people still like the real paper card. Besides that I love that they pay me to send cards, no one does that. I have sent over 4500 cards since the beginning. Just love the creativity. I read recently where Hallmark used an old picture of a lady when she was a child, a black and white picture and the lady noticed it in the store, and everyone thought she was a star, guess what you can take all your own old family pictures and add them to a card with SOC, and send them all to your family. They love it, I do it all the time.
Try it out. Mary Fields Nanaimo, Canada

Harold Frink | 8:13 p.m. Aug. 19, 2009

Wow...I was the worst at sending cards my whole life. However, when I was introduced to Send Out Cards, I knew this was just the tool for me. How much easier can it get. Find a card, write your message, click the send button. Now that is easy. If you have not had an opportunity to experience this, do so will love it.

Todd Hood | 3:32 a.m. Feb. 19, 2010

Who does not like receiving a thank you card every now and then? This service makes it easy to be as nice as you really are, but don't have time to be!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

SendOutCards for Business People

Weather you are an executive, Small home based business, a Network marketer selling the BEST product! a Rainbow Vacuum Salesperson, a Dentist, a Public Speaker, a Loan Officer or a Hairdresser, can boost your revenues, your customer loyalty, and retention and provide you with endless referrals.

Fact: People are more likely to use you if they remember you. People are more likely to remember you if you remember them! AND you make them feel important and special.

FACT: e-mails get deleted. Cards with photos in them get saved adn displayed while creating lasting memories.

FACT: Customers that know you appreciate them will pay more for your product or service AND they will remain loyal. This a HUGE reason alone to use the system.

FACT: Customers will refer people to you when your name is the 1st to come to mind when a Friend, Relative or Associate is looking for someone in your field.

FACT: A well maintained Network of only 100 people can lead to millions of dollars in business over time. Each person can connect you to over 250 people... that's 25,000 potential connections (if they like and trust you...YOU will get referrals!)

FACT: You can completely "Differentiate" yourself from your competition by following a simple yet inexpensive plan that takes less than 5 minutes per day.

Lets consider this example.
Today, I needed an alarm person. If someone from an alarm company had been sending me 2 personal cards per year, I would have called them...
On Monday, I need a Jeep service repair person... If someone from a shop or dealership had been sending me 2 personal cards per year, I would have called them.

Do you get the picture? Not enough business, in fact too few actually do this. Probably 1 out of 250 business people send out cards expressing their appreciation for their customers and business.
Just by sending out One thank-you card; you will put yourself in the top 250 of your field! Put your picture in it and now you are in the TOP 1/2 of 1% of ALL business people.

There are obviously other things that can impact who get the business... BUT it takes more than just being good. There are also lots of good service providers, and you must be REMEMBERED and you MUST express Appreciation on an ongoing basis... In a Personal Way! NOT in bulk spamming, e-mails get deleted, and bulk postage just lets me know it's NOT personal.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

SOC's Sets NEW Records!

SendOutCards Sets New Records!
SendOutCards is pleased to announce that this wonderful season of giving has resulted in new records being set thanks to each and every SendOutCards customer and distributor! Cards and gifts are going out so fast that we are making multiple pulls a day of thousands of cards each just to keep up! These multiple pulls a day are actually the reason our numbers reported in T.E.S.A have been different than our actual daily totals. Below you’ll find some numbers that are sure to bring some holiday cheer.
Spread the word about these new records and keep spreading the holiday joy! We send our gratitude to all of you!
New Records Set in 2010
Past Record
640,000 Cards Printed in 24 hours
12,583 Gifts Sent in 24 hours
5 Cards Printer Per Second
1.1 Million Cards Sent in 3 day period
This is more than any month in 2010 (except November)
$473,000 Spent in Postage in 3 day period

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Appreciation Marketing

'Tis the Season to send out cards and gifts of appreciation! We all know how nice it makes us feel when someone thinks of us and sends us a card or maybe even a gift in the mail! WOW, that person cares about us, and boy doesn't that feel great!
Guess what else it does... it makes the "Sender" feel even better knowing that you're heart was touched and smiled.
I believe it was "William James" (I'll have to look it up) that said something like ... 'The greatest human desire is to Love and be Loved'... WOW, and it's so true, because none of us want to be taken for granted do we.
I've just finished reading Tommy Wyatt and Curtis Lewsey book "Apprecation Marketing" and am listening to the audio C-D as I'm writing this blog message. I highly recommend anyone to get this book or CD set, it's just so nice to hear the nuts and bolts of how impactful doing what we all know or maybe don't, for our lives to bloom.
I remember back in the 1960's (YES I'm that Young!) my dad at the Holiday's taking gifts to his business partners, and many friends that he cared about. It was a real touch of class on his part. I also do not remember too many of those people returning that favor to him, but that wasn't the point and it didn't matter because he KNEW that it set him apart in his Real-Estate business as he specialized in selling Ranches! His commission checks would be HUGE and one or two sales a year was usually more than 3-5 familys would make all year long. So, when he took a $150 dollar Stetson hat to the local good ol' boy that he wanted to do business with in the future, he got a very powerful reaction! Was he trying to bribe him? Buy him? Maybe, but the truth of the matter is that in our small rural area, he had to be not only good and successful at his business, he had to make certain that when people thought about needing an appraisal or buy or selling a piece of property HE was the only one that would come to mind... It's the way more business should be done, and unfortunately most Realtor or high ticket commission people, make that sale and then run away almost as if they feel guilty for receiving such a nice commission. I never understood that thinking.
For me personally, I used to sell R.V.'s and BIG ones with BIG price tags too! Which meant I'd get a BIG commission check too! I really liked selling the R.V. lifestyle and took my time getting to know my customer. That sale might take 3 months but I did lots of follow up with notes and cards before the sale and especially "AFTER" the sale. When my client would come back for some type of "Fix it" service (which they always did) I was always there to greet them with a smile, and make sure there item was addressed with the service department etc. After all, I wanted them to recommend them to their friends sitting around the campfire chatting with other R.V. enthusiast! It always amazed me how most all of the other "Salesmen"... (note I'm a Saleswomen) would literally run hit, go to lunch or whatever to avoid that client that had put there trust in them to buy that R.V. almost as if they felt guilty or they must have lied? What a unprofessional way to build referrals or relationships.

So, if you're looking for a way to improve your averages, stand out as special, increase your closing ratio in any business, I highly recommend using the system I've used for 6 years now and watch what happens. PLUS, it's a lot of fun, and you can let your creative juices flow. Sending a care is a easy as 1,2,3 and you can type a message (even in your own handwriting) in under 60 seconds. Click send... and bingo, the card is printed, stuffed and stamped with a real stamp and in the USPS on your behalf. And the contact data base is a lifesaver too. Don't just take my word for it, try it today on my dime. Visit the Easy 1,2,3 site, and feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. You're going to Love the new you in 2011 as you develop the personal development of appreciation. It will change everything.
Magic Happens when you Send Out Cards ....
Happy New Year to you and yours... Laurel Chase-Dunn 559-429-4494