Saturday, December 18, 2010

SOC's Sets NEW Records!

SendOutCards Sets New Records!
SendOutCards is pleased to announce that this wonderful season of giving has resulted in new records being set thanks to each and every SendOutCards customer and distributor! Cards and gifts are going out so fast that we are making multiple pulls a day of thousands of cards each just to keep up! These multiple pulls a day are actually the reason our numbers reported in T.E.S.A have been different than our actual daily totals. Below you’ll find some numbers that are sure to bring some holiday cheer.
Spread the word about these new records and keep spreading the holiday joy! We send our gratitude to all of you!
New Records Set in 2010
Past Record
640,000 Cards Printed in 24 hours
12,583 Gifts Sent in 24 hours
5 Cards Printer Per Second
1.1 Million Cards Sent in 3 day period
This is more than any month in 2010 (except November)
$473,000 Spent in Postage in 3 day period

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