Saturday, December 18, 2010

SOC's Sets NEW Records!

SendOutCards Sets New Records!
SendOutCards is pleased to announce that this wonderful season of giving has resulted in new records being set thanks to each and every SendOutCards customer and distributor! Cards and gifts are going out so fast that we are making multiple pulls a day of thousands of cards each just to keep up! These multiple pulls a day are actually the reason our numbers reported in T.E.S.A have been different than our actual daily totals. Below you’ll find some numbers that are sure to bring some holiday cheer.
Spread the word about these new records and keep spreading the holiday joy! We send our gratitude to all of you!
New Records Set in 2010
Past Record
640,000 Cards Printed in 24 hours
12,583 Gifts Sent in 24 hours
5 Cards Printer Per Second
1.1 Million Cards Sent in 3 day period
This is more than any month in 2010 (except November)
$473,000 Spent in Postage in 3 day period

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Appreciation Marketing

'Tis the Season to send out cards and gifts of appreciation! We all know how nice it makes us feel when someone thinks of us and sends us a card or maybe even a gift in the mail! WOW, that person cares about us, and boy doesn't that feel great!
Guess what else it does... it makes the "Sender" feel even better knowing that you're heart was touched and smiled.
I believe it was "William James" (I'll have to look it up) that said something like ... 'The greatest human desire is to Love and be Loved'... WOW, and it's so true, because none of us want to be taken for granted do we.
I've just finished reading Tommy Wyatt and Curtis Lewsey book "Apprecation Marketing" and am listening to the audio C-D as I'm writing this blog message. I highly recommend anyone to get this book or CD set, it's just so nice to hear the nuts and bolts of how impactful doing what we all know or maybe don't, for our lives to bloom.
I remember back in the 1960's (YES I'm that Young!) my dad at the Holiday's taking gifts to his business partners, and many friends that he cared about. It was a real touch of class on his part. I also do not remember too many of those people returning that favor to him, but that wasn't the point and it didn't matter because he KNEW that it set him apart in his Real-Estate business as he specialized in selling Ranches! His commission checks would be HUGE and one or two sales a year was usually more than 3-5 familys would make all year long. So, when he took a $150 dollar Stetson hat to the local good ol' boy that he wanted to do business with in the future, he got a very powerful reaction! Was he trying to bribe him? Buy him? Maybe, but the truth of the matter is that in our small rural area, he had to be not only good and successful at his business, he had to make certain that when people thought about needing an appraisal or buy or selling a piece of property HE was the only one that would come to mind... It's the way more business should be done, and unfortunately most Realtor or high ticket commission people, make that sale and then run away almost as if they feel guilty for receiving such a nice commission. I never understood that thinking.
For me personally, I used to sell R.V.'s and BIG ones with BIG price tags too! Which meant I'd get a BIG commission check too! I really liked selling the R.V. lifestyle and took my time getting to know my customer. That sale might take 3 months but I did lots of follow up with notes and cards before the sale and especially "AFTER" the sale. When my client would come back for some type of "Fix it" service (which they always did) I was always there to greet them with a smile, and make sure there item was addressed with the service department etc. After all, I wanted them to recommend them to their friends sitting around the campfire chatting with other R.V. enthusiast! It always amazed me how most all of the other "Salesmen"... (note I'm a Saleswomen) would literally run hit, go to lunch or whatever to avoid that client that had put there trust in them to buy that R.V. almost as if they felt guilty or they must have lied? What a unprofessional way to build referrals or relationships.

So, if you're looking for a way to improve your averages, stand out as special, increase your closing ratio in any business, I highly recommend using the system I've used for 6 years now and watch what happens. PLUS, it's a lot of fun, and you can let your creative juices flow. Sending a care is a easy as 1,2,3 and you can type a message (even in your own handwriting) in under 60 seconds. Click send... and bingo, the card is printed, stuffed and stamped with a real stamp and in the USPS on your behalf. And the contact data base is a lifesaver too. Don't just take my word for it, try it today on my dime. Visit the Easy 1,2,3 site, and feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. You're going to Love the new you in 2011 as you develop the personal development of appreciation. It will change everything.
Magic Happens when you Send Out Cards ....
Happy New Year to you and yours... Laurel Chase-Dunn 559-429-4494

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's a Waterful day when we send out cards for our business. As a Kangen Water distributor it has come to my attention that in these difficult economic times, letting a prospect know that we value their health and not jut the $3980.00 we wish them to spend with us, that sending out a heartfelt card just might be the ticket.
I first designed some of these cards almost 2 years ago and I've used them. Several of my sales I feel where a direct result of sending out a custom designed Kangen card.
In the rest of the world it's referred to as "Appreciation Marketing" and many books have been written on the subject. So I offer these cards to my fellow Kangen Distributors with their SendOutCards subscription with me.
Use the simple and Easy 1,2,3 steps to get a better understanding of how you might enjoy this online greeting card and data base system, it's keep me organized for over 5 years now and I personally guarantee my Kangen friends an increase in your sales with this system or I'll refund your money after 6 months if you're not satisfied.

We have over 40 cards designed for ionized water sales, and depending on what level of account system you choose to buy, will depend on the quantity of cards included.

Click here to view just some of the cards that will be deposited into your online account.