Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do you SendOutMagicCards and Drink Water?

Question for anyone reading this. Are you in Send Out Cards for the money? Do you LOVE the service and all it offers anyone that is thoughtful and more? Of course you do, I do too and have for over 4 years now as I've sent out over 5,000 cards and have signed up over 125 personally, but there is a very really concern that has arised and it's the fact that while I've signed up a multitude of people into the system many of them don't seem to be interested in using it to the fullest of it's extent and that is a shame! Many bought into the Entruprener and yet don't spend the $35 dollar annual fee to keep that ability to sign up others and make money! This is sad to say the least because as I've come to use it, I couldn't imagine NOT having it in my life!

But with all that being said, I still sign people up, use the site almost daily and it's become a habit as well.
Recently though I've stumbled upon another product that I feel is as important if not MORE that I wish to share with anyone reading this as it is NOT in competition with SOC's but rather another product that I am compelled to share as it is my nature to be a giver.

Do you drink Water? Do you Cook, Clean, Bath with water? Of course you do and 1.5 years ago I stumbled on what is known as Kangen Water (Kangen: Return to Origin) you can visit my sites for this water that is known as Miracle water around the world. (all about water and disease)

As well as our blog for tons of documents and resources. I highly recommend you visit the blog and follow it.
So, see for yourself. Watch the on-line video clips, get the FREE e-book and 9 issue newsletter and please let me know if you have a desire to have the best health drinking the very best Water on Planet earth. I promise you will not be disappointed. And of course there is a biz opt for those that are interested.

I've even created a series of KangenWaterMagic cards that I use to send out to my prospects and friends.
I look forward to seeing your inquire on the site by filling out for information for the e-book and newsletter.
Feel free to follow this Blog and remember

"Magic Happens when you Send Out Magic Cards"!
Have a WaterFul Day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Swimming by the Light of Send Out Cards

As more and more people are learning about Send Out Cards online system, many people young and old are absolutely loving it. But there are those that still don't quite "Get it" yet. The following is a brief story of how sending out a card via the Send Out Cards system can and does work. Remember, just like anything else in life it will not work if you don't use it or do it.

Here's a story that just happened yesterday for me. July 9th 2009

I moved into my lakeside home with a very fun tiled swimming pool in October 2007 after living for 3 years without a pool here in Sunny Gilbert Arizona.

Finding this home was a dream come true for me as I had actually intended and "I AM" ed it about 3 weeks before. More on an "I AM" another time.

So, my son and I moved in, everything I owned fit perfectly, I was a happy lady except for one thing that really bugged me. The light in the swimming pool didn't work! Gurr half the fun of having a swimming pool is to have the pool light on in the evening time for atmosphere etc.

So, I asked the owner (I rent) and he said that he intentionally had disconnected it due to the fact that a child, relative of his wife had been electrocuted and died! HOW horrible. This wasn't in my pool but somewhere else. No matter I asked him to please rewire and turn my pool light on. He's a busy man and it just never happened.

Now here is where it gets interesting! Last Sunday night of the 4th of July holiday there was a party at our community pool around the corner and around 8 p.m. I saw all sorts of RED and BLUE lights! NOT a good sigh, I walked the dogs over that way to see what was happening and in horror of all horrors a 2 year old had drown in that pool and there must have been 30 people around! How could this happen??? There was NO POOOOOOL light! (Note, I'm told the little girl is O.K.)

Yesterday I was driving out of my neighborhood and saw this HUGE Electrical truck at the pool! So being the bold one I am, I KNEW that they must be there to fix the POOL light or whatnot! I met a very shy and withdrawn man named "Doug" about my age, and we chatted and I asked him if he would be able to LOOK at or fix my pool light. He said he didn't have time or whatnot and for some reason I just didn't want to accept his answer! I mean he was already in my neighborhood and all I wanted him to do was just LOOK at it, No sense in making two trips right? So, this quiet man got in the car with me, came to my home, pulled some wires, and within 3 minutes it was DONE!

So guess what people? I have a pool light and I feel like I just bought a new car! Plus it's very sexy looking as well :)

Where does send out cards come into all this? I just sent Doug a very beautiful card of my pool on the front of the card with a simple note of thanks and a box of cookies as a thank you gift for being so kind to take that 3 minutes to change my pool and attitude. (I needed something good to happen for me that day)

You see, I don't expect anything out of it or from him, I've already received from him, and it's my JOY to send him a thank you card with gift so that this man truly knows that what he did for me was "Extremely appreciated". PLUS, I don't think anyone in his life has ever sent him a card let alone a gift of appreciation. Remember all those in SALES (which is Life) Appreciation is the GLUE for more customer retention and referrals! This is the million dollar difference 2 your business and life journey. And I am the one that feels so terrific about being able to send something nice to this very reserved, cautious man. Sort of like Christmas when you do something nice for someone? You're the one that feels really good because you took the time and you want that person to know that you appreciate them more than the "Value" of the gift, it's the thought that counts ! And the more thoughtful you can make it, You BLOW people minds.

So, More than just a "Thank You" I really appreciate what you did for me (Not to mention a $70 dollar house call I saved) I want to set myself apart and I want him to know that it's O.K. to do little things for others, because sometimes it can bring such a "Glow" to their life.

If you'd like to try this "Send Out Cards" system, it' would be my pleasure to set you up with a 100% FREE trial account for 10 days, answer your questions, and help you to change the lives of others ONE card at a time.

Remember my Twitter and internet friends "Magic Happens when you Send Out Cards"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Try Sending Out a Card today

What's the power of a card? Well lets see now, there are cards for Birthdays of course, and of course there are cards for holidays such as...


St. Patrick..

April Fools..


July 4th..


Mothers Day..

Fathers Day..

Labor Day..




New Years..

Special occassions such as


Baby Shower..

Thank You..


Business referral..




and these are just the tip of what you'll find available when you have your own account with Send Out Cards. Over 14,000 to choose from. Become impowered with Send Out Cards and act upon your promptings any time of day or night! Just log on to your account online and hit the send button.

Fonts to choose, colored ink, even your own signature and handwritting fonts too! And the best part of all your card is sent with a REAL stamp! No bulk postage, so when it's recieved in the mail it's obvious that this is a greeting card! And who doesn't like to recieve a card.

Ever woke up at 3 a.m. and had someone on your mind? Or didn't have the time to get to the store to buy a card or send a gift for a birthday? So what did you do? Probably ignored it and made a phone call instead but the problem with a phone call is that once you hang up there is nothing to hold to chearish to keep in a special place and enjoy over and over again. Send Out Cards even allows you to send special gifts as well as gift cards! Who wouldn't love to receive a American Express gift card! So it's never to late to send out and remember someone long distant birthday and be that thoughtful person you know you are but somehow life gets in the way and what you'd like to do takes time and I don't know anyone that has extra time for anything anymore. Enter Send Out Cards.

BUT, what about the most important card of all! The unexpected card just because sent out to anyone for any reason. Maybe someone that needs a little uplifting. I think we all can relate to those reasons. Or a congratulation on a job well done and a thoughtful word of encouragement.
So, consider all the benefits of sending out a card to someone and you'll never know the power of that card untill you send it.

I look forward to speaking with you as well as inviting you to experience Send Out Cards for FREE with a sample gift account. You'll experience all features and get to send out several cards to someone special in your life. Please contact me directly at or by phone at 480-325-1515

Magic Happens when you Send Out Cards*

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Panoramic Photos in near future

Happy Sunday card senders.

I received a very nice package of 5 cards from Kody Bateman introducing the new panoramic photos that we will be able to create in the very near future! WOW, these will knock your socks off. And I'm talking MAJOR ability to do more now than ever before.
My scanner is acting up but just as soon as I'm able to make a nice quality of one or two of these sample cards I will post to the blog. So be patient and make sure your logging into your SOC's account every day to get more info as it arrives.

In the meantime, Make is a Send Out Cards kind of day, and send a card to someone that really "BUG's" you, you maybe don't even like them! But you just might be surprised how that person would be touched, after all no one is "that" awful and they crossed your path for a reason, probably to help you both. I'm a firm believer that there are NO accidents, it's all preordained.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Greeting Card Trends are changing BIG TIME

Blockbuster versus Netflix….the Send Out Cards comparison

Blockbuster has stores and is talking about filing bankruptcy….their stock is currently about .40 cents a share

Netflix did a different approach by ordering DVD and Games online. In the last 5 months they added 1.5 million customers (38.30 a share)

Blockbuster started using the online approach only to get to the dance a little (maybe too) late.

American Greetings & Recycled Paper Greetings versus Send Out Cards.

American Greetings in the 4th quarter of 2008 lost 190 million, Recycled Paper Greetings filed bankruptcy in 2008 (people just don't go to the store as much as they thought paying $2.50 and up a card)

Send Out Cards (an online greeting card company) showed close to 100% growth from 2007 to 2008….at annual sales at 41 million in 2008 and started a printing out of Australia.

You may see a trend start appearing because it’s (easier) for people to jump online and send out a (real) greeting card from their PC for an economical price as well!

Hope this adds some value!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Send Out Cards for Business People


Whether you are an executive, a Rainbow Vacuum Saleperson, a Dentist, a Public Speaker, a Loan Officer or a Hairdresser, SendOutCards can boost your revenues, customer loyalty, retention and provide you with endless referrals.

FACT: People are more likely to use you if they remember you. People are more likely to remember you if you remember them and you make them feel important.

FACT: E-mails get deleted. Cards with Photos in them get saved and displayed

FACT: Customers that know you appreciate them will pay more for your product or service AND they will remain loyal

FACT: Customers will refer people to you when your name is the 1st to come to mind when a Friend, Relative or Associate is looking for someone in your field.

FACT: A well maintained Network of only 100 people can lead to millions of dollars in business over time. Each person can connect you to over 250 people . . . that's 25,000 potential connections (if they like you and trust you,
you will get referrals)

FACT: You can completely differentiate yourself from your competition by following a simple inexpensive plan that takes less than 5 minutes per day.

Today, I needed an alarm person. If someone from an alarm company had been sending me 2 personal cards per year, I would have called them. . .
On Monday, I need a Jeep Service Repair Person . . . If someone from a shop had been sending me 2 personal cards per year, I would call them. . .

Do you get the picture? No one does this. Probably 1 out of 250 business people send cards expressing appreciation for their customers' business. Just by sending one thank you card, you put yourself in the top 250 in your field. Put your picture in it and you are now in the top 1/2 of 1% of all business people. There are obviously other things that impact who gets the business . . . but it takes more than just being good. There are lots of good service providers. You must be REMEMBERED and you must EXPRESS APPRECIATION on an ongoing basis . . . IN A PERSONAL WAY!

The Vision of SendOutCards

The Vision of SendOutCards
The vision of SendOutCards is simple. We are out to help millions of people become senders of cards. By doing so, we will help build relationships, express appreciation and touch peoples lives all over the world.

Making a difference is as simple as sending at least one unexpected card every day. By doing this we not only reach people when they need it, we also connect with something inside of ourselves. The simple habit of acting on promptings will guide a card sender to their true genius within. We believe we all have something unique to contribute to the world.

We believe that at certain times in life, there are people that only you can reach. It is during those times that you will receive promptings to reach those people and express yourself. SendOutCards not only gives you a daily mechanism to act on those promptings, it also creates an atmosphere that promotes the habit. We have conducted Treat em Right seminars all over the country. We will soon be crossing the border and conducting them in Canada. It is amazing to hear the card sending stories you all share. The Treat em Right event truly helps you to see the magic that is hidden in a card. It puts you in a room with like minded people who are positive, happy and simply want to make a difference.

We believe that we are a billion dollar greeting card enterprise. We believe that we will not only create card senders, we will create millionaires. We believe we have, bar none, the best opportunity in the world today. Why? Because the deepest emotional craving of all human beings is to feel appreciated. We have the system that can deliver the fix for that craving.

Our target audience is everyone from a 12 year old boy that sends a thank you card to his dad; to a 42 year old dad that sends a proud of you card to his son. It covers individuals of all ages that have personal experiences from sending cards who then see the vision of using it in their business. Every person in every type of business has a need for this service. Every family has a need to keep their connections alive and strong. Every friend has a need to stay in touch with those they care about.

We are part of a $7.5 Billion Dollar greeting card industry. That industry has been flat over the past 12 years. Consumers will buy, on average, 10 cards per year. Studies have shown those same consumers have a need for 70 or more cards. There are 3 reasons they don't buy 70 plus cards.
Its inconvenient
They forget
Cards are too expensive

We make it convenient, we never let you forget and you can send a card for less than $1.00, stamp included.

The biggest secret lies in our marketing strategy. The only way to get millions of people to send a printed greeting card from the internet is to personally coach them. It is one person sitting with another person, face to face or over the phone and helping them send their first card out. Through gift accounts, we can create a new card sender. Through seminars and training programs, we can inspire, uplift and encourage people to be the best card senders in the world. We can teach the power of a prompting; we can create a system of self improvement that will help people always send out their very best.

What this tells me is we have a way to truly get consumers to send an average of 70 or more cards per year. We have the ability to single handedly grow the entire greeting card industry.

Now, the interesting part of this is that we have yet to even discuss a compensation plan. We have a plan that rewards the behavior of personal coaching and attendance to seminars. We have a plan that pays personal and down line coaching activity on a weekly check. It also pays for personal and down line greeting card use on a monthly check. This is a plan that shares the wealth and creates unlimited opportunity for those who simply want to help others become senders of cards.

All of our greeting cards are print on demand. What this means is we do not keep any inventory of cards. We do not produce a card until it is paid for and ordered from a user. On a daily basis, we print the ordered cards of the day, stuff them, stamp them and mail them out. This means our overhead is low so we have more to work with to keep our card costs under the competition. It also allows us to create and maintain a lucrative compensation plan.

This also means we can expand into other countries for a fraction of the cost that other companies can. We do not export any product. We simply set up facilities on foreign soil, hire foreign employees, use foreign postal services and create a worldwide network of card sending. There will come a day when you can be in California, send a card to someone in Japan, the card will deliver in a couple of days with a Japanese stamp. We currently have people living in 3rd world countries that send cards to family in the U.S. Their cards deliver within a couple of days with a 0.37 cent stamp.

So there you have it. This is a vision of where we are and a vision of where we are going. Make no doubt about it. We are a billion dollar company in the making. We hope you all stay on for the ride because it's a big one.

Your Friend,
Kody Bateman
© Send Out Cards, LLC

Scary Stats to consider a Send Out Cards account

  • 79% of all leads generated at a trade show aren’t followed up

  • Only 3% of our mail is personal…how do you feel when you walk out to the mail box and see a personal card addressed to you? Your clients/prospects are no different.

  • Average company loses 50% of its customers every 5 years…Cost of replacing them can be 6-7 times more expensive

  • 5% increase in customer loyalty will yield 20%-80% to our bottom line profit…Much wiser to spend money on customer retention than acquisition.

  • For every month that we don’t contact or communicate with our client, we lose 10% of our influence

  • 82% of all homeowners can’t tell you the name of their Realtor if they bought their home more than two years ago

  • Just saying thank you to our clients…particularly new clients even with only a phone call to do nothing more than saying thank you…(do not try to sell on this call) it will increase your business by 17%.

  • 95% of our customers will purchase from a competitor even if you provide a great service on an impulse.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Send Out Cards Magic

Ti's I the Card Lady of Send Out Cards that had to be turned off due to corporate compliance.
So sorry about that as it was only a redirect to a corp. site. SO, never mind all that nonsense, please come play and enjoy and follow me here as I will share, explain, and guide into a world of possibilities that "CAN" happen if you start the practice of "Giving" more out and not expecting anything in return. It's sort of tough at first, but the residual effects can be life altering.
Welcome to my first of what I hope to be many blogs, please to also follow me on cause Magic really does happen when you Send Out Cards. I also know that Send Out Cards is the "Secret" to changing your life and building the relationships that move you in unknown directions. What you 'think' you need in your life isn't necessarily so. You'll know soon enough when you start sending out cards for no particular reason except you thought of "Someone" special, unique, past, or whatever today..
Don't let those promptings slip by. Let me know and I can guide you through the system personally.
Happy Valentines to all,
Contact me directly at
or my e-mail
I wish you all a very Waterful day indeed, thanks for the read and your time.

L. Chase-Dunn
Try sending a Card today!