Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scary Stats to consider a Send Out Cards account

  • 79% of all leads generated at a trade show aren’t followed up

  • Only 3% of our mail is personal…how do you feel when you walk out to the mail box and see a personal card addressed to you? Your clients/prospects are no different.

  • Average company loses 50% of its customers every 5 years…Cost of replacing them can be 6-7 times more expensive

  • 5% increase in customer loyalty will yield 20%-80% to our bottom line profit…Much wiser to spend money on customer retention than acquisition.

  • For every month that we don’t contact or communicate with our client, we lose 10% of our influence

  • 82% of all homeowners can’t tell you the name of their Realtor if they bought their home more than two years ago

  • Just saying thank you to our clients…particularly new clients even with only a phone call to do nothing more than saying thank you…(do not try to sell on this call) it will increase your business by 17%.

  • 95% of our customers will purchase from a competitor even if you provide a great service on an impulse.

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